What should you eat before you go workout? Simple way to tell

//What should you eat before you go workout? Simple way to tell

What should you eat before you go workout? Simple way to tell

What Should You Eat Before Your Workout?

Easy to follow chart to pick what you should eat based on your workout

How many times have you tried to figure out what to it so you have enough energy to do and finish your workout but yet not feel bloated prior to your workout?

Now you don’t have to pull your iPhone app or Livestrong to figure it out.

Simply look for the workout/fitness class you are about to do on Column A, then look for your upcoming workout/fitness class on Row B and where this 2 meet will shed a light on what to eat, so you can shed a few more “lb’s”.

This findings are based on the GI level

[glycemic index level of food].In other words, the percent of carbs in that one snack. After all, if you are going to get after it, you need to have fuel efficiency to get you there safely.

Don’t have your GI level snack list? Well, you should had say so- Here you go.

FOR EXAMPLE- If I was to go to a Vinyasa class I would make sure to have snack with moderate to hi glycemic index [GI]. Something like banana or fresh slices of mango.

Makes sense?


Type of Workout HIIT Strength


Athletic Vinyasa CrossFit Sprint Run Long Run Bikram Pilates Barre 3
Food with GI Level Mod to Hi Low to Mod Mod to Hi Low to Mod Low Hi Low Low Low to Mod

Alright, so there you have it.

A simple but fun way to match your pre-workout snacks to your actual workout.

And best of all, it should not get boring for awhile because I gave you a variety of choices for you to pick from.

Please let me know what you think? Is this helpful?or if you need more clarity using the list?

I’m here to help you get in shape in an effective lasting fashion.

Ciao for Now,

PLEASE NOTE- If you need breakout from the same food, here is a variety list of snacks/food classified by GI level [glycemic index level].

By | 2018-07-09T07:11:24+00:00 March 8th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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