Success Stories

/Success Stories
Success Stories 2018-07-09T07:11:22+00:00

_DSC3988-210x164Hi!  I’m Chelsea and this is my story:

I started working out at J.Carlos Fitlab over 2 years ago after meeting Carlos and the TTN Crew at a Susan G. Komen workout fundraiser.  Being active all my life and participating in sports, I know the importance of staying healthy.  However, not seeing many results on my own I started F.I.T. Camp at J.Carlos Fitlab and paid attention to Carlos’s coaching.  Soon after my 1st F.I.T. Camp, I stopped working out due to a foot injury.  Following my surgery, I  came back for injury rehab with Carlos to get back on track and active again.

Now after a successful injury rehab with Carlos & the Fitlab crew, and having lost 20 pounds, I love life even more.  I have increased my sessions from 2x a week to 3x a week.  I also have been riding my bike more consistently to work. And what keeps me motivated is how great I felt after the injury rehab which led to stepping up my exercise routine.  I like how I feel after working out! Having to buy smaller jeans doesn’t hurt either…

I enjoy working out at J.Carlos Fitlab because it keeps me motivated knowing someone is there to push me. I want to continue to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

My helpful tips to you:

  1. Surround yourself with friends that support your new healthy lifestyle and make sure to let them know so you
    can perhaps inspire them too!
  2. Listen to Carlos!
  3. Do a little bit every day to improve your mental and physical health.


team_scale_smashers-210x165Hi!  We are TEAM Scale Smashers and we are the winners of the 2011 Holiday Weight Loss Contest.  Team Scale Smashers took the Holiday Weight Loss Contest by storm and lost a combined total of 40 lbs and a combined total of 19% body fat.  That’s an average weight loss of about 10lbs per person and about 5% body fat loss per person in just four short weeks.  Fantastic right!!!  Where are they now?  Paul is continuing his progress in the F.I.T. Level II class, Mika & Maryam are finessing their running skills and Dan is now one of our part-time Trainer’s Assistants.  If you have a TEAM that can bring it and beat the record this could be you guys the picture!  Did we mention bragging rights for a whole year?

Dan, 35, chef, father and husband. I’ve been going to J.Carlos Fitlab and training with Carlos for over three years now and I love it so much I can’t go anywhere else because I get too bored!

Before 288lbs – After 235lbs

Nora, 33, school teacher, mother, and wife. I love the support and challenge that Carlos and FIT Camp provide. The workouts are fun and make me feel physically and mentally stronger every day.

Before 225lbs – After 155lbs