How many times a week do you wake up with a nagging shoulder ache or stiff neck?
If you are like 73% of adults in the U.S. who suffer from lack of proper sleep and rest, you will find the following information extremely helpful.
It is going to improve not only the way you sleep but also the way your body (more specifically your neck and shoulders) feels in the morning.
As a Lic. P.T. Assistant and Certified Fitness Specialist trainer, I have encountered countless patients/clients over the last 15 years who suffer from shoulder and neck pain.
As you can probably imagine, people who suffer from nagging aches on the shoulder and neck typically resort to Advil or other OTC (over-the-counter) medications. However, as time passes this nagging ache becomes painful and at times limits your daily activities.
By discussing and assessing your daily activities, overall medical history and desired long-term outcome, you can get the proper routines for someone like you who is suffering from shoulder and neck pain.
You might still be asking yourself, ok, “But What The Heck Is Going On With My Neck & Shoulders?”
But what if is alright with you, I would like to share first some the actual real common denominators AND then share with you what & how go about it given your specific situation?
Common denominators found in studies among adults who suffer from shoulder and neck pain were:
*Pain is constant but varies in intensity.
*Pain is more noticeable in the morning and mid-afternoon.
*Physical therapy and/or massage ease the pain, BUT it is only temporary.
*Their busy schedules prevent them from devoting time (4 to 6 weeks) to tackling the source of the pain.
Do any of those sound familiar to you?
Well, let’s go a little further and consider a few general facts:
*Typical adults move in their sleep an average of 11 times/night.
*Typical adults in the U.S. average 6 hours of sleep/night.
*Most adults tend to have a dominant hand which is typically on the achy/painful side.
As a result of these factors mentioned above, I created a proven neck-shoulder self-help system that is not only effective but is also long-lasting. However, the hidden magic of this system lies in the environmental assessment portion. When you complete the environmental assessment which includes the client’s/patient’s pillow and the placement/use of it, you will automatically get an a-ha moment.
Would You Care For a FREE Copy of This Self-Assessment?
Here you go.
Now, remember when assessing and discussing your daily activities, overall medical history and desired long-term outcome, I can design the proper routines for someone like you who is suffering from shoulder and neck pain.
Let me give you a little hint before you complete part 2 of the Self Assessment- And, if you are able to firmly and without a doubt AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING, YOU JUST MIGHT BE RIGHT:
<<When selecting a pillow, one must be able to not only settle into sleep in the most natural position but also in the most efficient biomechanical setup.>>
Now, you probably guessed that I’ll be bringing the “pillow talk”—not that one 🙂
In a nutshell, what that means is that the key structures of your neck and shoulders must be supported to allow for an “even rest position” of the joints involved. These joints butt/hips (hips/pelvis). With these (or most of them at least) in a proper setup, you are less likely to cause repetitive and sustained (every night for 6 hours or more) strain to the joint involved in this “love-pain triangle” (neck, shoulder, and arm).
The other key approach I’ve found to be extremely effective is to get rid of your neck stiffness and shoulder ache is to provide constant support or assistant for the joints involved (key players) to work or rest efficiently when required.
However, this particular technique is effective during the “Active2Passive Muscle Re-training” phase.
Using this method you will incorporate how to unconsciously NOT USE [ “firing”] your upper shoulder every time you reach for the covers or it may prevent the base of your neck from stiffening up after you text for 1 or 2 minutes.
So next time you think you need a mattress or a new pillow, be sure to choose it by how it fits and feels on those joints VERSUS how it feels in your hands when you are in the store showroom.
And it goes without saying that self-care (stretching, strengthening, and stability of these joints) on a weekly basis as we get older is imperative.
Studies have found that adults who follow a 2-3x/week fitness regimen that includes stretching, strengthening, stability and endurance are less likely to experience aches that can lead to chronic pain if left unattended.
In fact, if you feel that you could use a little bit more guidance to set a personal and effective Neck/Shoulder therapeutic routine, simply get my FREE online assessment after you download your FREE Copy of << Neck/Shoulder Self Assessment>>.
There should be no reason for you to wake up another day with aching shoulders and a stiff neck.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
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