If you want to be healthy, is time to get FAT- Why not?
It appears like everywhere you look nowadays people just want to be healthy and “not lose weight”.
You hear things like, ” I am too old to get skinny, I just want to be healthy…” or perhaps you got your Fitbit set to go but you are simply not going in the right direction.
So here is a PSA But, how the heck can you actually stick to a plan and put a hold to gaining more belly fat? Please share your thoughts below. Or if you have any particular situation and would like help navigating thru it, let me know in the comment box below as well.
Is simple but not easy.
Here it is. You have to implement F.A.T. strategy.
The keywords are implement and strategy- Click & Watch below to see what exactly F.A.T. can do for you.
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