3 Things You Can Do To Workout During The Fall Season Allergies

//3 Things You Can Do To Workout During The Fall Season Allergies

3 Things You Can Do To Workout During The Fall Season Allergies

As we see  the fall colors paint a beautiful  picture all around us, some of us begin to sniffle the allergy season.

One of the mantras I share with clients and friends is ” pain is inevitable, suffering is optional…” Now, think how much fun the hikes and all summer outings were this past few months. And now, the darn allergies are about to put a halt to all this fun. And if you ask me, who wants to workout or even get out there and have a bit of fun when your sneezing your head off. And yes, some of you quickly reach for the bottle of Allegra and life is all better. However, if you want to be naturally proactive while enhancing your body immune system as you age, the next 3-things will unlock your possibilities to have a great fall season full of the activities you enjoy doing outside.

So here they are:

  1. Check your smartphone app for allergy levels for the 2 or 3 days ahead and plan your activities during times that the levels will be at their lowest.
  2. Take a shot: Find a shot glass and put 2 drops of doterra lavender oil, 2 drops of peppermint and 2 drops of lemon oil. Fill the rest of the shot glass with purified water. If you do not have access to doterra oil, click here and get your small pocket vials that you can keep with you even when you travel.
  3. allergy shot glass Miyagi Rinse: As you recall the movie Karate Kid, Mister Miyagi instructed Daniel’s character to consistently wash on, wash off. In a similar manner you need to actively implement that philosophy with your skins. And by that I mean your face, forearms hands and as much of your body you get exposed at the office, the store and even home

.face washing

I know you are probably thinking that this is too much to do and hassle with. And probably rather get an allergy shot. But I want to share this valuable information so you can use it to keep your momentum going into the fall rainy season. I know is super hard to get up in the early dark morning hours. Is even harder to wake up to sniffling nose and watery eyes. And remember, the long term benefit of improving your immune system using the above is well worth it as we age.

Please 60 sec to share your thoughts or ask questions on the above topic.

Ciao for now,


By | 2018-07-09T07:11:24+00:00 October 7th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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